Spontaneous blow jobs and come on my tits

A few weeks ago, I ended up having some incredible sex – specifically giving my fuck-buddy a spontaneous suck job in a bathroom that ended with come all over my tits. We fucked a lot over the three days we were together, but we both agreed that this was our favourite fuck. It was fun and impulsive, and entirely unexpected because we’d actually gone into the bathroom to indulge in a very different kink… but it felt very natural to take his cock in my mouth.

This impromptu face-fucking isn’t the thing that started my current yearning for bathroom sex, but it was certainly a contributing factor. The best bit about this bathroom fuck, however, was that my fuck-buddy had no problem with me running to grab my phone after he had come on my tits, so he could take a photo and capture the moment for blogging purposes.

I’ve tried a dozen different edits of this photo, but this one is my favourite – probably because it is the first one I did and so it captures a little of the spontaneity of the sex we had. It makes me smile every time I look at it, because you can see the imperfects in the image that match the beautiful, messy sex we had.

A blue top is pulled up to show tits with come on them. Photo.


Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday is run by the wonderful Molly Moore – click the kiss for more sins…

If you want to make sure that you don’t miss any other photos of come on my tits or posts about all the other bathroom sex I’ve been thinking about recently, enter your email address below and get updates when new blog posts go live!

Cocktails and cock-stroking: a tale of pervy voyeurism
Sleep or sexting, the question I ask myself every night


  1. Wonderful. Spontaneous blow jobs are definitely the best.

  2. I have had this open in my browser all evening trying to find something to say that is basically more than, this is so fucking hot, but after much thought that is all I have, because it is.


  3. Sometimes the great times are when you are wrapped up in the moment, looks like you had fun.

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