6 super simple ways to support this sex blogger

A pink-wrapped gift box filled with buttons and Instagram likes and other social media shares. Artwork.
Artwork by Violet Fawkes.

Want to know how to support your local queer, disabled, student sex blogger? (That’s me, by the way!) I’m back with another Clit Bait listicle to kick off my Smutathon writing today, talking about ways that you can support my work – and how it really means the world to me when you do so.

Welcome back to Clit Bait, my new mini series of sex-positive click-bait-style blog posts – credit to Coffee and Kink for the word play. This post contains affiliate links!

#1 Support me on a platform that kicked me off

I’m starting with an X plug, because without (brilliant, pervy) X supporters, I wouldn’t be able to create audio porn. Making accessible smut is a hugely important project to me, and the fact that folks are helping me do it is amazing. From just $2 per month you can get your hands on exclusive erotica that don’t get published anywhere else, and pervy perks at higher tiers include voting on the audio porn I’m going to make next, or getting sneak peaks at posts and artwork before they go live on my blog.

#2 Share my work on Twitter

You know the easiest way to support me, that doesn’t cost you any money at all? Share my work on Twitter – or via absolutely any other social media platform. You have no idea how much every single share helps in getting my words seen by more people, and how much it means that you liked whatever I wrote enough to want to share it with the world. It takes no longer to retweet my blog post about butt plugs than to like it, and it means so much to me.

#3 Talk about my writing more subtly

If you’re not able to share photos of my tits on social media (which is totally fair, not everyone can be an out and proud pervert – I blog anonymously after all!) there are other ways to share my work. Maybe it’s just me, but I frequently find myself in conversations with friends asking me to recommend articles about feminism or beginner’s sex toys. One of my aims as a sex blogger is to encourage more open conversations around sex, so whether or not you’re nudging your friends towards my blog you can support me by being more openly sex-positive!

#4 Subscribe to my mailing list

Another way to support me without spending any money is to sign up to my mailing list. With things getting harder for sex bloggers on social media (and much harder for sex workers), the risk of getting kicked off Twitter for tweeting about sex and queerness is a growing one. Singing up to my mailing list means you’ll get an email whenever I post something new, so you’re guaranteed to stay up-to-date with my filthy adventures.

#5 Buy sex toys I recommend

I write a lot of Straight Up Filth, which I hope now and then (at least) turns people on. I’m a little bit egotistical, so I quite like to imagine folks wanking over my words. While you can totally tell me that in a comment, you could also add to (or start!) your sex toy collection with one of the toys I recommend. Like the Doxy wand vibrator, the Avant Trans Pride dildo (£29.99 from The Pleasure Garden), or the Atom Plus cock-ring (£69 from Hot Octopuss).

#6 Donate to the Smutathon fundraiser!

The Smutathon badge showing a woman in fishnets bending over a chair with tagline Erotic writing for a cause

This is a very specific-to-today way to support me and my work, but it’s a really important one! Today I’m teaming up with thirteen other amazing sex writers, to write filth and fuck positive content for 12 whole hours. Smutathon is an annual fundraising erotic writing challenge started in 2017, and this year we’re raising money for the National Network of Abortion Funds. Please help us reach our ambitious fundraising goal in our aim to help all folks to have access to safe, legal abortion.



Mini graphic for blogger love language meme.Blogger Love Language is created by the incredible Mx Nillin, because they wanted to get sex bloggers talking about how they like to communicate with and be supported by their audiences and fellow sex bloggers. 

Support our Smutathon adventures and help us raise money for the National Network of Abortion Funds:

Goal Thermometer

Rugby world cup: I only care about the fucking
I'm done with being subtle. Period.

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