When I start thinking about them, my chest gets tight and my eyes start smarting. It hurts, and I can’t get away from that pain yet. It’s too raw, too all-consuming. I try not to think about them, because thinking about them feels like someone’s ripping my heart out through my throat. You know when it’s hard to think about your broken heart? When you’ve stuck a massive chunk of silicone in your arse and are trying to work out if it feels good. (Spoiler: it does.) Enter the , a vibrating butt plug.Read More →

I want to fuck Tony Stark. The first time I can remember being turned on in public – or at least, what I imagine was arousal even though I didn’t understand what my body was doing at the time – was watching The Avengers in the cinema. It was 2014 and at fourteen I didn’t understand why I was so into the scene where Iron Man and Captain America faced off. I couldn’t explain why the tension between them in that moment was so hot. Now, however, I can articulate why two incredibly powerful (to say nothing of hot) men verbally sparring plays turns meRead More →

I tried to follow this advice and take a nude with bows on my nipples. It felt wrong and the pictures didn’t work, but I didn’t realise why until I sent one to Molly Moore for her opinion. She suggested I move the camera lower, focussing on my dick with the red bows as my balls. With her directing me, I snapped photos that made me feel masculine and strong and sexy as fuck. I still fall into the trap of trying to be ‘sexy’ as a woman when I’m not one. Sometimes I don’t notice that I’m trying to make myself attractive to otherRead More →

Just like my gang-bang smut focussed on the aftermath of a fuck session, on the proper gang-bang etiquette, this piece doesn’t focus on the sex itself but the lead up. This is not a practical guide to help you prepare to go dogging. This is a filthy story about how one might prepare to go dogging if you’re a submissive and exhibitionist bisexual woman whose dominant girlfriend wants to make sure you feel thoroughly used.Read More →

I bought these sweatpants over a year ago, specifically to take this photo. I should call them ‘tracksuit bottoms’ or ‘joggers’ really, but I bought them specifically to tap into the autumn horniness of grey sweatpants season. Today I hit a new milestone in the process of stepping into my gender: I took photos to show off my dick print in grey sweatpants.Read More →