A plate of cookies in the shape of butts, with fancy icing knickers piped on to them.

Somewhere, there is a guy who insists that I have stolen a pair of his boxers. I haven’t, but considering the number of times I have held them over my face and deeply inhaled, I do see why he holds this mistaken belief. Frankly, I struggle to understand why he wouldn’t have stolen some of my knickers; personally, I love the way I smell.Read More →

The BBC Radio 4 programme Just A Minute has been a favourite of mine for a while, which meant I was utterly delighted at Girl on the Net’s ‘Porn… in just a minute’ blog post. At the end of her post she challenges others to have a go at writing their own porn without hesitation, deviation or repetition. I’ve followed the same structure as she did, writing in a 15 minute time limit (no hestitaion), staying strictly to the story without asides (no deviation), and – discounting little words like ‘I’ and ‘and’ – not repeating myself. Here’s my attempt at porn in just aRead More →

I have never been fucked in a bathroom. I’m not sure this is exactly for lack of trying. Today, while I’m craving sex like I usually crave hot chocolate on a cold autumn morning, my fantasies creep towards the bathrooms that I know are upstairs as I cup my frozen hands around a warm mug in Starbucks. I think about fucking in toilets, and wonder why it’s so much more appealing than the linear matrixes on the textbook page that I should be studying.Read More →

To properly celebrate the start of my sex blogging adventure, I’m taking part in Kink of the Week. The prompt was Halloween, and this is where my imagination took me – or one of the places at least. I had a lot of fun writing it, and I encourage you to go and check out the other amazing submissions by clicking the image at the bottom of my post!Read More →

Autumn is sweeping in with harsh winds and cold rain, turning the explosion of fiery leaves that I should be able to kick my way through like a child (if no one is watching) to a soggy sludge which makes the pavements slippery. People all around me are complaining about the weather, or excitedly counting down the days to Christmas. I don’t understand why anyone would want to make these next few months go by so quickly – I try to savour every pumpkin-spiced second of them.Read More →