It may be possible to tell that I didn’t quite know where this post was going until I got to the last few lines. Thus, as I decided I don’t have the energy today to rewrite it, you are being treated to a slightly tangled journey through some of the hot dominant things that I’ve tried.Read More →

Drawing of a woman giving a man a blow job - he is sitting, legs spread, on a blue sofa, and she is lying next to him with her head in his lap. She is wearing knickers, and his hand is lying gently and intimately on her butt. In the background there is a pot plant, a coffee table with a bottle of lube on it, and a painting featuring erotic art.

I kicked today’s ass. However, ass-kicking is exhausting, and I’m now achy and tired and have absolutely no more energy for people. I’m ridiculously proud that I managed to write these words down into a somewhat coherent post of a not-quite-true story about my first face-fucking.Read More →