A red t-shirt with 'What's wrong with a hairy fanny' written on it, with a notebook with boobs and ze/hir pronoun badge sitting on top of it. Photo.

As I write this it’s only eight days until I’ll be in London, trying not to throw up from excitement and nerves. Why? Because Eroticon 2020 is next weekend and this time next Friday I’ll be asking my enboifriend to help me lace myself into a borrowed corset before we head to the Meet and Greet together. But, as always, Eroticon starts with a virtual meet and greet, to help remind us that the conference is closer than any of us realise.Read More →

Photo of the eight pairs of knickers - some lacy, some fancy, some plain - that I wore over the five days of the sex writing conference.

If any of you were expecting a sensible Eroticon round-up post from me, you clearly haven’t been following my work for the last 18 months. Eroticon 2019 was my second year at the brilliant sex writing conference, and it was truly magical. It wasn’t, however, perfect, and I’ve been struggling to write a post that explores how I found the weekend hard as well as showing y’all how much happiness and love the weekend filled me with.Read More →

We’re at three weeks until Eroticon, and I am significantly more organised than last year. I have booked train tickets, sorted accommodation, and planned another pre-Eroticon-knicker-shopping adventure with a kinky friend. I’m so excited.Read More →

A little over one year ago, I got through a bad depression bump by doing something utterly ridiculous: starting a sex blog. Looking back, I have no idea how I managed to set up self-hosted blog while in a deep depressive fog at 2am… especially as since then I’ve had to ask for lots of tech help to keep my blog up and running. (Most of it from the man whose birthday my blog shares.)Read More →

I feel nervous about posting this, and not for the usual reasons that I’m unsure of my writing ability or embarrassed of the fantasies I’m sharing. I’m nervous because posting these words could actually change my life in less-than-positive ways, if seen by the wrong people.Read More →