A thick blue and green sparkly dildo with a masturbation toy and hand wrapped around it. Photo.

As a sex blogger, enthusiastic pervert, and single, polyamorous slut, I think quite a lot of time thinking about dicks. This most is definitely inspired by thinking about dicks… and also by an adventure to a sex shop, when I realised that working a masturbation sheath up and down a dildo isn’t dissimilar to the sensation of wanking someone off. I was really excited when Godemiche sent me one of their fabulous Adam dildos to review.Read More →

Blue-green glittery dildo suction-cupped to a laptop. Photo.

Earlier today I shared how sex positive structure in my week helps me deal with my mental illness, but this evening proof of how much sex and sex blogging impacts my life in the form of a new sparkly dildo. Apparently opening boxes containing shiny new sex toys an transforms me into a happy, excited and passionate Quinn – and it feels really good to be her.Read More →

This was written for Exhibit A‘s song lyrics erotica writing challenge. I went with the prompt ‘WHAT’S THE POINT IN ALWAYS LOOKING BACK?’ and inspired by a real-life filthy happening, I had a lot of fun playing with words this evening. It definitely pushed me to explore new ideas. I hope you enjoy it!Read More →

To properly celebrate the start of my sex blogging adventure, I’m taking part in Kink of the Week. The prompt was Halloween, and this is where my imagination took me – or one of the places at least. I had a lot of fun writing it, and I encourage you to go and check out the other amazing submissions by clicking the image at the bottom of my post!Read More →