A woman, with her face mostly out of view, sucks a large blue and green sparkly dildo. Photo.

I am ambitious. I wake up every morning with a thousand things I want to do, and a hunger to change the world. I am constantly inspired to write, clinging to the fragile hope that my words can make a difference. I always have more ideas, want to do more, and constantly pushing myself to create all the things I can see when I close my eyes, challenging myself to be a better person.Read More →

A thick blue and green sparkly dildo with a masturbation toy and hand wrapped around it. Photo.

As a sex blogger, enthusiastic pervert, and single, polyamorous slut, I think quite a lot of time thinking about dicks. This most is definitely inspired by thinking about dicks… and also by an adventure to a sex shop, when I realised that working a masturbation sheath up and down a dildo isn’t dissimilar to the sensation of wanking someone off. I was really excited when Godemiche sent me one of their fabulous Adam dildos to review.Read More →

Blue-green glittery dildo suction-cupped to a laptop. Photo.

Earlier today I shared how sex positive structure in my week helps me deal with my mental illness, but this evening proof of how much sex and sex blogging impacts my life in the form of a new sparkly dildo. Apparently opening boxes containing shiny new sex toys an transforms me into a happy, excited and passionate Quinn – and it feels really good to be her.Read More →

This isn’t the filthy story of pirate sex, and even though it’s tagged as filthy poetry I’m not sure its very sexy. I wanted to write some delightfully hot words, but there were others I wanted to say first. These words are I’m sorry and you’re brilliant and I’d like to kiss you, and never one to be concise, I wrote a poem to say them.Read More →