Fancy cocktails on a bar. Photo.

Inspired by a series of tweets on Saturday, this smut is dedicated to Girl on the Net. Writing this actually challenged me more than I expected it to, and it’s a little more cisnormative than I would like my filth to be. For the record, not only folks with dicks are guys, and not only men have dicks. I also realised that writing this kind of scene is very different from experiencing this sort of pervy voyeurism, so I’m open to invitations from anyone organising a cock-stroking and cocktails party.Read More →

It’s almost Halloween, and so I’ve attempted to turn my hand to somewhat-spooky erotica-fiction. I don’t know if I’m happy with this piece, but I love theĀ idea I’ve tried to play with here, of a cuckqueering scene involving a ghost.Read More →

When I most need to concentrate, I seem to end up procrastinating. When I set out to buy Christmas presents, I seem to end up buying at least one new thing for myself. Hence yesterday I remembered how fun mirrors can be, and today I have avoided my to do list in favour of writing about it.Read More →