Close up of a luxuriously iced and decorated chocolate cake. Photo.

While I will confess to enjoying every email I receive from Peter Birch, this one was particularly delightful. He doesn’t have a blog himself, so didn’t think he could enter my Great BDSM Bake Off erotica competition. However, I didn’t want to keep this deliciousness to myself, so offered to post it as a guest post and I’m very glad he was up for that! Thus may I present, for your pervy enjoyment, the first piece of BDSM-meets-Bake-Off filth to land in my inbox: Charlie and the Chocolate Cake.Read More →

A rolling pin and dumpling-like pastries sit on a floured work bench.

We’ve reached Week 9 of the Great British Bake Off and I haven’t written any baking-and-BDSM filth yet! In an effort to rectify that, I have written something inspired by an impact play scene with my delightfully masochistic partner… though it didn’t actually feature a rolling pin used in deliciously perverted ways.Read More →