A woman lies back on a table with her legs spread, revealling her black underwear and the curve of her thighs. Photo.

I’m still figuring out whether I can balance work and my mental health while maintaining my blogging schedule. However, if I had posted this “on time” (according to my meticulous calendar that ensures I get round to writing all the filth) it would be a very different piece of erotica. This one is inspired by an impact play scene I did where I surprised myself by actually asking the sadist caning me for more horrible, stingy cane strokes.Read More →

Baking ingredients, with flour covering eggs and a rolling pin. Photo.

As I’m exploring continuing my explorations with butt plugs, anal sex is increasingly present in my fantasies. The idea of butt sex as a punishment is one that I’m fascinated by – in the this-is-scary-but-also-so-hot kind of way. I wanted to play with that idea a bit more, plus write smut featuring degradation and cupcakes.Read More →

A few times in the last couple of weeks, a cute girl has been sending me post-run selfies, so this story is dedicated to her. I’ve been thinking about exercise-domming quite a lot recently, and I also love how I’ve subverted the phrase count them for me.Read More →