Close up of stiff meringue peaks. Photo.

I was thrilled to find a second BDSM-meets-Bake-Off erotica entry in my inbox earlier today. Inez Sinclair (Incognita) is a freelance NSFW voice actress and storyteller with a background in technical writing and cultural folklore. She’s recently directed her creativity to erotica, as an outlet for her fantasies and as a way to continue advocating for unique stories and dynamics in sexual settings. Find her on Twitter at @IncognitaVa, where you can let her know if her words left you with – ahem – stiff peaks.Read More →

Balls of dough sit on a floured surface in front of a rolling pin. Photo.

I was delighted to wake up to an email with a Great BDSM Bake Off entry in my inbox today from Sami, a new-to-me writer. Sami is – in their words – a 30-something polyam enby living in Chicago. Their favourite hobby is sword-fighting, and they are looking forward to getting back into a writing habit in 2020. Find them on Twitter at @tangledupqueer. Their story, Baking Takes Patience, is short, sweet, and super hot.Read More →

Close up of a luxuriously iced and decorated chocolate cake. Photo.

While I will confess to enjoying every email I receive from Peter Birch, this one was particularly delightful. He doesn’t have a blog himself, so didn’t think he could enter my Great BDSM Bake Off erotica competition. However, I didn’t want to keep this deliciousness to myself, so offered to post it as a guest post and I’m very glad he was up for that! Thus may I present, for your pervy enjoyment, the first piece of BDSM-meets-Bake-Off filth to land in my inbox: Charlie and the Chocolate Cake.Read More →

The Bake Off tent, filled with baking implements and kink and sex toys.

Tonight folks will be tuning into the final of the tenth series of the Great British Bake Off, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who will be left wanting more. Bake Off is by far my favourite TV show, and I’ve written a piece of erotica – The Great Filthy Fuck On – that is inspired my some of the more pervy thoughts I’ve had while watching it. And surely I’m not the only one who likes to combine Bake Off and BDSM?Read More →