A trans woman leans forward to apply her make up. Photo.

Sarah Everard’s murder is horrific. Only two days after International Women’s Day women were being told that they shouldn’t be walking home alone. A survey by UN Women UK found that 97% of women aged 18-24 had been sexually harassed. That’s a horrifying statistic. It’s understandable that cis women are scared and angry right now, but it’s not ok to use Sarah Everard’s murder as a reason to be transphobic.Read More →

A white cis woman with red hair holds a butt plug while being offered a variety of other sex toys. Photo.

Welcome to 2021, folks, where it’s front page news that a thirty-year-old woman uses sex toys. The response to the Zoella article entitled ‘The Best Sex Toys to Spice Up Your Life in 2021′Ā is a great example of some good, old-fashioned misogyny mixed with a deep-rooted fear of sex, all wrapped up in a shiny ‘won’t someone think of the children!’ package.Read More →