What is the proper post-gang bang etiquette? If your boyfriend has invited your ex and two of your closest friends round so you can celebrate your birthday by getting well and truly fucked by several dicks, what do you do afterwards? Does everyone head home after they’ve used your holes? Or do your friends stick around to make you blush while you all eat breakfast?Read More →

Am I a slut? In some ways the answer is easy. By my feminist, sex-positive reclamation of the word ‘slut’, I am one. I love sex. ‘Slut’ is a word I claim proudly, because there is power in owning my sexuality as a person with a vagina, who has always been told sex is not for me to enjoy. There’s also power in owning my sexuality as a queer man, because our cisheteronormative society is still scared of men who fuck men. But recently, I’ve begun to think about the pressure I feel to perform my sluttiness. I’ve begun to worry that I define myRead More →

This year, Smutathon are fundraising for two amazing charities who support trans and non-binary folks. We’re working with Gendered Intelligence in the UK and Trans Lifeline in the US. With less than twelve hours until I hop on a train down to London to join other members of the committee for some in-person smut writing, I want to talk about how much this year’s charities mean to me personally. I want to talk about how I wish trans people didn’t have to be so fucking strong.Read More →

The Guilty Feminist is an award-winning feminist comedy podcast hosted by Deborah Frances-White. It’s been downloaded over 70 million times, and it “explores our noble goals as 21st century feminists and the hypocrisies and insecurities that undermine them.” I listen most weeks and often enjoy the accessible feminism mixed with educational information on hard-hitting feminist causes. But after this week’s episode on feminist porn, I really wish that they would stop trying to talk about sex.Read More →