Black lives matter, and there is no sexual liberation until BIPOC have sexual liberation. I didn’t want to keep writing about sex this week without acknowledging that BIPOC are the reason we have body positive, sex positive spaces. I know I have a lot of work to do when it comes to learning to be anti-racist, so today I’m taking a break from posting new content to highlight some BIPOC sex educators that any white people reading my blog should follow.
BIPOC sex educators you should follow
Ericka Hart – a sex educator, activist, and breast cancer survivor whose work includes webinars on radical and social justice.
Jimanekia Eborn – a sex educator and trauma specialist whose retreat, Tending The Garden, is for women of colour sexual assault survivors.
Dirty Lola – a sex edutainer, performer and dildo slinger who created and hosts Sex Ed A Go Go.
Ev’Yan Whitney – a sexuality doula and sex educator who hosts The Sexually Liberated Woman podcast.
Kevin Patterson – the author of who also runs the blog Poly Role Models.
Shan Boodram – a certified intimacy educator who wrote the bestselling book The Game of Desire.
Afrosexology – who create spaces online and in real life for Black people to openly discuss sexual exploration and liberation.
Decolonising Contraception – a community based organisation created by black & people of colour working within Sexual & Reproductive Health.
The Womb Room – who work in collaboration with organisations and educators to engage people in normalising reproductive well-being issues.
Sex Positive Families – who provides parents with the education, resources, and support to raise sexually healthy children using a shame-free and pleasure-positive approach.
Am Appointment – a community providing honest and reliable information about female orgasms and masturbation.
Other things white people should be doing right now
I talk about sex and sex positivity a lot, but I talk about them from a place of privilege. We need to talk about racism in sex education and the sex positive community, and I need to work to educate myself on the systemic racism I benefit from every day as a white person. This isn’t me trying to have a hot take, this is me saying that I need to shut up and listen: to donate, sign petitions, email my MP – and to not stop doing these things at the end of this week.
For other white people looking for organisations dedicated to anti-racism work we should support, check out this incredible resource with information on where to donate and where to start with educating ourselves. Here’s the link for Black Lives Matter in the US, and the one for BLM UK. This is another useful list of bail funds and other anti-racism resources.

Quinn Rhodes (he/him) is a freelance journalist, sex writer, and professional transsexual. His work focuses on dismantling shame and queering sex.