I’m going to take a deep breath and NOT apologise for posting this week’s smut a day later than planned. Yesterday was awful and anxiety-filled, and while I think I succeeded I am absolutely exhausted today. Thus my Masturbation Monday smut is short, sweet, and inspired by the idea of a partner ordering me to make them come.
I love slipping out into the early morning, when it feels like I’m the only person alive in the world. There are birds chirping, but no one else is disturbing the stillness. Every breath feels like I am stealing something from the untouched morning, and the chilly air against my skin is invigorating.
It would have been perfect if I wasn’t fighting the urge to say ‘screw it!’ and go back to bed. My soft, warm bed, where my girlfriend is lying with the duvet wrapped around her. The delightful, half-asleep whimpers she made as I untangled our limbs tempted me to stay, but when I paused, considering kissing her, she shook her head.
“Nu-uh, you need to go running. I’ll be here when you get back. And I’m probably too tired to get myself off without your help. Though if I do, you’ll just have to work twice as hard to make me orgasm when I let you go down on me.”
I pouted, but she smirked and rolled over, leaving me to curse my idea of asking my girlfriend to extend our D/s dynamic into helping me train for the marathon as I head outside. Thoughts of the naked girl in my bed, and the threat that she might start without me, is excellent motivation. While I try to banish thoughts of her pushing me to my knees from my mind, running while aroused is at least easier than running with a butt plug inside me.
Bright earliness slowly becomes warm sunshine as the world begins to come alive around me. I think about finding my girlfriend’s fingers in her cunt – that look of deep satisfaction on her face as she fucks herself – as I walk through a quick cool-down and some stretches. I haven’t skipped these exercises after a run since the time she was watching from my kitchen window and made me go out and do them again before spanking me hard with my hair brush: this game really has brought out her sadistic streak and I love it and hate it in equal measure.
She sits up as I step into the bedroom and begin to strip. Her eyes are heavy with sleep, but here face is soft and open. She grins at me.
“Come back to bed and make me come.”
I eagerly obey, straddling her chest and kissing her quickly before I burrow down between her legs. Her body is warm and the sheets feel good against my skin. I press my nose into her pubes and breath in, indulging in the delectable smell of her cunt. My tongue seeks out her clit, gauging my proximity by her delicious little moans. I strain to look up, hoping to see her head throw back in pleasure. Instead she has on that evil grin that she wears before announcing that I need to do hill reps if I want her fingers inside me – or whatever devious new idea she has now.
“I was nice to you and didn’t touch myself at all while waiting, but because of that I feel I should make it a bit harder for you today. You have five minutes to make me come with your mouth and fingers – if you don’t then you’ll forfeit your own orgasm this morning.”
I whine in frustration.
Masturbation Monday is run by the fabulous Kayla Lords. Click on the logo to see what everyone else is getting off to this week.
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Quinn Rhodes (he/him) is a freelance journalist, sex writer, and professional transsexual. His work focuses on dismantling shame and queering sex.
Ohhh mean, deliciously mean
This is absolutely gorgeous Quinn x x
I might whine and pout when sadism is directed at me, I do love it. It’s delightfully evil. 🙂