Two women in bed together, being intimate and laughing together. Photo.

It sounds silly and utterly cliche to say that falling in love has taught me to love myself more, but it has. WhileI want to be a good person, a person worthy of dating them, they look at me as though I already am. Self-acceptance is something I have always struggled with, but I’m slowly beginning to rethink the ways I see myself. I’m learning a lot from my first relationship – including that being needy isn’t a bad thing.Read More →

Two ride-on vibrators, one in pink and one in purple. Photo.

I’m a sex nerd: it’s not uncommon for me to be carrying around sex toys (or lube and condoms and wipes) in my bag, whether I’m heading to a sex date, planning a fancy wank in a hotel room, or photographing a butt plug in a specific spot. However, the sex toy I carry around most often is the Rocks Off Ruby Glow, a ride-on vibrator that’s perfect to sit on while writing erotica – because it was designed for that exact purpose.Read More →

The last six months have marked a significant increase in the amount of butt stuff I’ve experienced when it’s my arse that’s being played with. I’m still building up what I can take when comes to anal play, but if my body is up for it I’ve discovered that I really like it – especially the feeling of a butt plug pushing inside my ass.Read More →

A woman's legs, wearing fancy brogue-style shoes. Photo.

If you’ve read my filth, you probably know that semi-public sex is a big kink of mine – I find getting away with fucking (or getting away with getting fucked) very hot. And when it comes to semi-public sex, I think the art of a foot job is underrated. Not that I’m good at giving foot jobs, necessarily, but I find them really fun and don’t often hear folks talking about them.Read More →

A woman wearing a sexy black corset. Photo.

Photo courtesy of May More of Sex Matters Welcome to Elust 126– The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #127? Start with the rules, come back February 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates! ~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~ 2020, the year I stop masturbating. I Am Fat: On Fat Acceptance and Fat Shaming Colour Match ~ Featured Post by our Guest Editor(Cara’s Picks)Read More →